
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

New Life

Left to my own devices, the majority of my recycling bin would be saved "for something", some other use not yet thought of, but just a moments inspiration away.

Were it not for Mr Frog, I would be drowning in "crap" I could "use", "someday".

Yesterday, I got to indulge in the delight known as upcycling, or using -what- you- have- to- hand.

I made a delicious batch of White Chocolate, Macadamia and Cranberry Cookies (a Nigella recipe I bastardised) for my hubby to take to work... hey, sometimes I like to pretend to be a domestic goddess!

Now I could've just put them in a sealable bag or on a paper plate that could've been thrown away, or even in a plastic container that hubby would bring home for me to wash and been done with it. But No.

There was an empty, plastic ice cream container (actually frozen yoghurt) calling my name from the recycling bin....

So, after a bit of faffing, I made it pretty....

... well, added a bit of brown paper, the cookies, a journal tag I had, some string, and ...

Voila, a very cute package of biscuits.

This is me keeping it simple. It would've looked awesome with some fancy black ribbon, or even something other than brown paper... but it was just for a work day...

I'll save the glam for something special.