Here is an example of a project that "technically" kinda worked out.
But it ain't pretty.
I started with this Abomination.
Now you can't tell in the photo, but this palstic bag holder is a bit of a mess. It's falling apart at the seams, literally, and bags actually fall out of the bottom. It's time for a new one. A prettier one.
I've always thought a tea towel is the perfect material for these things. I don't know why. It's just an idea that
So, this is how it went down.
I had Mr. Frog choose an old tea towel from those we already own, telling him to "choose a tea towel for the cause!", like it was for the war effort or something. Now my reasoning behind using a tea towel we already own is that, already have = free. I like free. Getting Mr.Frog to do the choosing meant I wouldn't get in trouble later for sacrificing the "wrong" tea towel.
He chose this.
This "beauty" comes from France, from a place we've never been. I think it was a xmas present from family. Yes, the embroidery is coming undone. Yes, those are holes you can see.
I figured that given where the bag holder lives, it didn't need to be, shall we say, typically beautiful. And remember, it's free.
First, I folded over and pinned the top and bottom of the tea towel. I didn't measure, just guessed how much room I'd need to get elastic and a ribbon through the space. Then I sewed in a fairly straight line. Yes, I was being nonchalant. The tea towel turns out to be quite wonky, and me quite nonchalant, so it turns out like this:
Never mind.
Warning: there are heaps of photos because I got carried away using this:
O.k, then I folded the tea towel in half long ways, and sewed along the open edge, being sure not to sew over the very ends. I didn't get a shot of this step, so here's one of me in my "craft room", aka, the dining room.
That's either my posing face or I have a pin in my mouth. Or both.
Next I threaded some elastic through the bottom part and tied it off. But first I had to spend 20minutes looking for a bloody safety pin, because who the hell knows where Mr. Frog puts anything! I eventually found one in the depths of my old sewing basket, in an old tin of pins my nanna gave me.
Then, I threaded the elastic. To get the length I needed I measured along the tea towel (now doubled over) and then added half that again.
Then I did the same for the top, but with ribbon. Only, I couldn't get to the ribbon because the baby was asleep (by now anyway, before that there was a lot of crying while I concentrated on sewing moderately straight) where my craft is stored. So I pulled the cord out of the Abomination, and used that. Free!
You need a longer piece of cord/ribbon so you can get into the bag easily, and hang it on something.
And voila:
A new Abomination.
Good Lord!
Well, at least this one doesn't leak bags onto the floor. And it's hidden.
And a bonus?
On my search for a safety pin (so much swearing!) I found some old lace from an outfit I "made" in high school.
If only I had pictures of that. I thought I looked hot!
But what to do with this scrap...?
Stay tuned.