Please forgive my absence... I've been a busy girl, what with all the decorating, making of stuff and watching t.v. I return with a fun little project that's so simple the kids can do it for you!
This xmas, we're (o.k, maybe it's just me) going all out simply because this year my family will be here, and we'll actually have time to enjoy ourselves!
I thought it mght be fun to hang some stockings on the heater (in lieu of an actual mantel) and fill them with some silly bits and bobs. I stole this idea from last years xmas edition of Better Homes and Gardens magazine. Theirs is much nicer, but mine is cheaper. :)
First, cut yourself some squares of red (or whatever) cardboard. I made mine 21cm square, half of the original pattern... the bigger they are, the more you need to put in! You'll also need to cut out some more squares in a contrasting colour. My theme this year is Red and Brown paper. I just so happened to have some paper bag scraps that I used instead (which is why they're smaller than my red squares). The original pattern uses fabric, on the outside.
Brown paper glued to the "top" corner
Next, you'll need to decorate the outside. Intent on using my scraps, I cut stars out of brown paper and glued them on.
Now we're ready to rock'n'roll, especially roll. With one point of your square being the top, roll the cardboard into a cone. This is where I struggled because stupid me used thick cardboard. get the thin stuff!
Add double sided tape to keep the cone in place. If you used thin cardboard, that should be all you need.
Next, we need name tags so there aren't any fights. I used my excess cardboard and the trusty brown paper bag scraps.
Punch a hole in the tag, a hole in the pointy bit of your cone, and another where the cardboard wraps around itself, and attach the tag with ribbon.
Mine just would NOT stay, so I've used a paper clip and hung my tag on it.
All that's left to do is hang them, then wait for ages until you can fill them!
And voila, "stockings" hung and ready for Santa.
Coming soon, an easy peasy gift that requires no skill.
A bientot