
Thursday, December 19, 2013

It's beginning to Feel Nothing Like Xmas!

We moved house a week ago.

Yes, a week and a half before xmas, we moved house. Dumb. I know. But that's just how it is.

Needless to say there is crap every where and we are very slowly making progress with the unpacking. While everyone else is looking for the xmas decorations they stashed sometime in January, I'm looking for the dinner plate I packed just over a week ago.


We're a little xmassy...

That is my feeble attempt at a card xmas tree. Technically the power point balances it out. "Hanging" on the blue card is the bauble my mum bought for Tadpoles' first xmas. "Oh but you have to have a tree" she says to me. "I can't find the cutlery" I say to her. 

It's not all bad. I still have my new advent calendar. It's fun when you forget for a few days and end up with quite a collection of choccies.

Tadpoles' first xmas is not quite the one I had in mind. That's o.k. She won't know. Not till she's old enough to hear the story about the xmas we stupidly moved house and mummy made a card xmas tree.

That story will never get old.

What are your memorable xmas stories?
Happy Holidays everyone, see you in the new year, when Madame Clochette gets all shiny and new-ish.