
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Xmas Spirit

I spent today being very excited about xmas. Usually, I'm bah humbugging all over the place, but as I am ,as yet, not working in retail this xmas, I'm really beginning to feel the xmas spirit. For the  first time in years.

The main reason for my enthusiasm this year is the fact that my family; mum,dad, sister and her new hubby, are all coming from interstate to spend three days with us! Originally, mum arranged this so we could all have xmas together for the first time in forever. The idea was for everyone to come to us so we could continue working mental shifts in a shop, but at the very least have xmas day together. Now it's just too late to change plans and I'm GLAD!!! They're travelling a long way, and spending a lot of money on accommodation ( they figured it would be a bit squishy in this little apartment, and rightly so!) so this year I'm going all out! On a budget. (Budget ideas coming your way soon!)
I'm planning the menus, the drinks, the events, the decorations... this will be a xmas worth the trip.

So apart from faffing about on Pinterest looking for xmas ideas, I actually made some xmas cards today. I'm a little embarrassed at how easy they were, and how cheap, but they've turned out pretty well so far.
I bought a pack of red cards and envelopes for $2. I bought a little book of Xmas for $1.

I then proceeded to cut/rip/pull out all the cool pictures in the book and stuck them on the cards. Voila!

I am yet to add glitter (I'm deciding if I like the less is more approach), and I haven't put anything inside yet... but so far so good! I'll post before and after pics if/when I change them.

Tomorrow I start cutting out some fabrics for some very important Cocktail bags. I really must leave xmas alone for a little while... I may send myself round the bend!

Have you started your xmas shopping/crafting yet?


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